The Good Health of Pond is Held in a Delicate Balance
- A Ponds condition deteriorater when its bottom environment cannot support animal life.
- The bottom is the area that runs out of Oxygen first (the bottom is where the most Oxygen is used and is the farthest from the surface where it is replenished).
- The absence of Oxygen kill all of the bottom dewilling animals that help keep a pond clean.The loss of these animals (snails, mussels,worms, etc.) will greatly reduse the pond’s ability to clean itself.
- Neutrients (fish waste,grass clippings, dead algae,etc.) cause most water quality problems.Neutrients are cleaned from a pond’s bottom by the small bottom dewilling animals mentiond a moment ago.
- When these animals do not exist the nutrients accumulate on the bottom forming a layer of “muck” which serves as fertilizer for weeds and algae.
- If a pond is allowed to get seriously infested with weeds , herbicide treatment may be the only way to gain control. the idea is to prevent infestation in the first place natural water cleanup through aeration offers preventative maintanance, reducing sediment before more serios problems arise.
In this layout we can see clearly that the eco-system in the pond is positively affected by implementing pond aeration.

Diffused pond aeration occurs by pumping compressed air out into a pond or lake bed via an air diffuser that produces tiny air bubbles, the rising air bubbles bring bottom water to the surface where it is exposed to
the atmosphere.large volume thus lose bad gasses to the atmosphere and the water pics up even more oxygen while on the surface.
up until now we were dealing with diffused aeration. Which can also be reffered to as bottom aeration.
Shallow Ponds
Many common pond problems occur in pond deeper than 6 feet. (Such as the pond “turning over”)
However, keep in mind that shallow ponds are not exempt from oxygen related issues.
If you are trying to aerate a shallow pond you will not want to install a diffused aeration system.
Insted you will want a “surface splasher” or “surface paddle wheel aeration”.